In the fall of 2023, I began my MFA degree in drawing at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, CO. My work has evolved drastically in the past academic year.

Iris versicolor 2023 Ball point and dye made from purple irises on Strathmore Bristol vellum  22 x 30"

Carya glabra 2023 Ball point pen and dye made from pignut hickory bark on Arches cold press 140 lb watercolor paper 

22 x 30"

This work has been on view atthe Naturalist Gallery of Contemporary Art International Juried Nature Exhibition in spring, 2024, Beyond the Scars 2024 International Juried Exhibition in June, 2024 and will be on view at Portraits, Poses, and Tableaux Vivants National Juried Exhibition at Core Art Space in Denver, CO July, 2024.                    

Picea pungens  2023 Ball point pen and dye made from blue spruce needles on Arches hot press 140 lb. watercolor paper  22 x 30"

This work has been exhibited at the Colorado State University Annual Juried Student Art Exhibition where it received Juror’s Choice in October, 2023, the Naturalist Gallery of Contemporary Art International Juried Nature Exhibition in spring, 2024, and will be on view at the Blue Mountain Gallery 2024 International Exhibition Juried by Judy Glantzman in August, 2024.

Prunus pensylvanica  2023 Ball point pen and dye made from pin cherries and sandstone on balsa wood panel   60 x 22"

This work has been exhibited at the Colorado State University Annual Juried Student Art Exhibition in October, 2023 and the Naturalist Gallery of Contemporary Art International Juried Nature Exhibition in spring, 2024.

Beta vulgaris 2023 Black and blue ball point pen and dye on linen ecoprinted with beet slices with translucent rayon, blue embroidery thread, and ruching     34 x 42"

Liriodendron tulipifera 2023 Ball point pen and dye made of persimmons and yellow tulip poplar leaves on raw silk and translucent rayon  28 x 36"

Vaccinium angustifolium  2023 Ball point pen and dye made of wild blueberries and pignut hickories on Crepe de Chine  150 x 32"

This work was on view at the Material Corps Group Exhibition in Fort Collins, CO in spring, 2024 and is featured in The Miserere Review 2024.

Prunus serotina 2023 Ball point pen and dye made from black cherry on Arches hot press 140 lb watercolor paper  22 x 30"

Vaccinium oxycoccos  2023 Ball point pen, dye made from wild cranberries, and embroidery floss on unprimed cotton backing and translucent rayon    55 x 30"

This work has been exhibited at the Naturalist Gallery of Contemporary Art International Juried Nature Exhibition in spring, 2024 and will be on view in fall 2024 at the Connecticut Women Artists 2024 Annual National Juried Exhibit at the Slater Memorial Museum in Norwich, CT

Melanoplus differentialis 2023 Ball point pen and dye made from dried and ground locusts on two MDF board panels  24 x 98 "

Cypherotylus californicus 2023 Ball point pen and dye made from Colorado fungus species   22 x 30"


