During my second semester as an MFA candidate, I’ve begun to explore cut-outs and fiber, incorporating both into my work with dying and ballpoint pen.

Juglans nigra 2024 Ballpoint pen and ink made from black walnut bark on three panels of cardboard 

36 x 55"

This work will be on view at Black House Artist Gallery: Women Defining our Representation 2024 International Juried Exhibition in June and July, 2024

Fucus vesiculosus 2024 Ballpoint pen and homemade dye made of bladder wrack (Fucus vesiculosus) seaweed on Arches watercolor paper 22 x 30 "

This work has been on view at the Oregon Coast School of Art Summer Artist Residency Exhibit in June and July, 2024 and will be on view at the Wilson Arts National Juried Exhibition in North Carolina in October -November, 2024

Liriodendron tulipifera II 2024 Ballpoint pen and dye made from persimmons, yellow poplar leaves, and poke berries on raw silk 28 x 33"

This work has been exhibited at the MFA Annual Group Show at the Hatton Gallery in Fort Collins, CO and will be shown at Strata Gallery Annual Group Show in Santa Fe, NM in July, 204.    

Symplocarpus foetidus 2024 Ballpoint pen, silk dyed with golden beets, muslin dyed with skunk cabbage (Symplocarpus foetidus), cardboard dyed with pignut hickory bark dye 70 x 100 "

This work has been exhibited at the MFA Annual Group Show at the Hatton Gallery in Fort Collins, CO and will be featured in Al-Tiba9 Contemporary Art Magazine Issue 16 in September, 2024

Oligocottus maculosus 2024 Ballpoint pen, embroidery thread, bleach on cotton backing and cotton twill 60 x 60"

This work will be exhibited at the University of Mississippi National Juried Exhibit in October, 2024 at 103 Gallery.

Allium haematochiton 2024 Muslin hand dyed with wild red-skinned onion (Allium haematochiton), wool hand-dyed with golden beets, wild currants, red beets, loom weaving, hand stitching, plaster 32 x 12 x 62"

This work has been on view in the Hatton Gallery Material Corps Exhibit in April, 2024 in Fort Collins, CO and at the Handweavers Guild of America International Fiber Arts Juried Exhibition in Wichita, KS in July, 2024.

Corporis interitus 2024 Muslin dyed with hickory bark dye, cranberry dye, cabbage dye, and Oregon grape heartwood dye; cotton thread stitched on water-soluble stabilizer; needle felted wool; shibori boiled silk and rayon dyed with red beet dye, hickory bark dye, cranberry dye, green water-soluble ink; lace; plaster, rocks from shibori boiling 36 x 14 x 65"

This work will appear in Novum Artis Magazine as the inside cover art for the fall 2024 issue.

Arabidopsis thaliana 2024 Ballpoint pen and homemade dye made from Arabidopsis on drawing paper

40 x 53”

Arctostaphylos uva-ursi 2024 Ballpoint pen, dye made from bearberry leaves and ponderosa pine needles, hand-stitched thread on silk, translucent rayon 32 x 56"

This work is a finalist for the Prisma Art Prize in Italy and will be exhibited at the exhibited at the National Juried Schwa Show at Emerge Gallery in North Carolina in fall 2024.

Lupinus littoralis 2024 Ballpoint pen, dye made from seashore lupine, embroidery, hand stitching on silk

44 x 75”

This work has been on view at the Oregon Coast School of Art Summer Artist Residency Exhibit in June and July, 2024

Sassafras albidum 2024 Ballpoint pen, dye made from sassafras, sumac, and bearded iris on silk

24 x 55”

This work has been on view at the Oregon Coast School of Art Summer Artist Residency Exhibit in June and July, 2024 and will be exhibited at the Arts Benicia National Juried Animalia Exhibit 2024 in California.

Corallina vancouveriensis 2024 Ballpoint pen, dye made from graceful coral seaweed (Corallina vancouveriensis) on Arches watercolor paper 24 x 32”

This work has been on view at the Oregon Coast School of Art Summer Artist Residency Exhibit in June and July, 2024

Ribes americanum 2024 Ballpoint pen and dye made from wild currants on silk

28 x 52”

This work will be on view at the 11th Annual Living Mark National Juried Exhibit at Verum Ultimum Gallery in Portland Oregon in August 2024.

Phaseolus vulgaris 2024 Ball point pen and dye made from black beans, removed thread, hand-stitched ruching on raw cotton muslin dyed with heirloom black beans and pods 30 x 47"

Brassica oleracea 2024 purple cabbage dye and hand stitching on muslin, rayon 15 x 84"
