During this time I was working as a wildlife biologist in the summer and winter and as an elementary school teacher during the school year. My work, completed in ballpoint pen, focused on documenting species with which I came into contact

Magnolia Warbler: Setophaga magnolia  2021 Ball point pen on Strathmore 300 Series Bristol Vellum

9 x 12 “

Gyrfalcon: Falco rusticolus  2021 Ball point pen on Strathmore 300 Series Bristol Vellum

11 x 14”

Northern flicker: Colaptes auratus  2021 Ball point pen on Strathmore 400 series drawing paper.

9 x 7”  

Cerulean warbler: Setophaga cerulea 2021 Ball point pen and watercolor on Strathmore drawing paper

9 x 12“  

Wood thrush: Hylochichla mustelina 2021 ballpoint pen on Strathmore bristol vellum

11 x 14“  

Bottlenose dolpin: Tursiops truncatus  2021 Ball point pen and watercolor on Strathmore bristol vellum

11 x 14“  

Northern dusky salamander: Desmognathus fuscus 2021 ink pen and watercolor on Strathmore bristol vellum

9 x 12“  

American bison: Bison bison. 2021 ink pen and watercolor on Strathmore bristol vellum

9 x 12“  

Barred owl: Strix varia. 2021 ink pen and watercolor on Strathmore bristol vellum

9 x 12“  

Eastern Hercules Beetle: Dynastes tityus  2021 Ball point pen on Strathmore 300 Series Bristol Vellum

9 x 12 “

Eastern box turtle: Terrapene carolina carolina  2021 Ball point pen and watercolor on Strathmore drawing paper

9 x 12“

Monarch: Danaus plexippus. 2021 Ball point pen and watercolor on Strathmore bristol vellum

11 x 14“ 

Red-breasted nuthatch: Sitta canadensis 2021 Ball point pen and watercolor on Strathmore bristol vellum

9 x 12“  

Gray squirrel: Sciurus carolinensis 2021 ink pen and watercolor on Strathmore bristol vellum

11 x 14“  

Black bear: ursus americanus 2021 ink pen and watercolor on Strathmore bristol vellum

9 x 12“  

Brown pelican: Pelecanus occidentalis  2021 Ball point pen and watercolor on Strathmore bristol vellum

11 x 14“  




Undergraduate Work